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No New Posts Zesmine & Ashleigh Duaveréz's House

This 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room house is located in the Montbrook homes. It's moderately close to the zoo.

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No New Posts Duaveréz Residence

Family Members: Ashleigh & Zesmine Duaveréz and their aunt.
Plan: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom on 1 floor
Description of home : The house is a light tan color with darker tan trimming. The front yard is not that big, but only because the drive-way was made larger due to the amount of cars needed to be there. One was Zesmine's, one was their aunts, and another sat in the garage waiting to be used by Ashleigh. However, the backyard was large, and would be great use for parties, or just for hanging out and playing some game such as horse-shoes. The inside of the house seemed rather larger than it really was due to the excellent way the furniture was arranged. The only good T.V. in the house stood on a nice wooden stand in a corner. The couch was big enough for four to five people, depending on their size and it was parallel to the wall, whose right corner upon entering had the T.V in at an adjacent angle. There was two other chairs on the wall going perpendicular to the horizontal position of the couch. Their aunt didn't care too much for decorations. She placed only one picture of each of them and one picture portraying all of them together on the wall, and that was that. She felt that such a small house shouldn't have a lot of things on the walls. It would make it seem like there was less space. She claims on several occasions that she's claustrophobic. Upon entering the front door, the couch was to your right, and to go straight would cause you to end up in the kitchen.
If you went to the left, you'd end up in a long hall leading to the three bedrooms and the one bathroom. The small house had a small basement beneath it, and that was that for the house.

4 4 Nude Tan
by df2s65e
Mar 19, 2009 1:11:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Martin Residence

Family Members: Jacob, Nicole, Lamar, & Josephine Martin and their Siamese cats Natasha and Vladamir
Plan: 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom on 1 floor
Description of home (optional): It's a simple little brick house with sky blue window shutters and doors. There's a lovely garden in the back surrounding their back porch that Nicole and Josephine tend to regularly. A short gravel pathway leads from the front porch to the pool a few yards from the porch.

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Montbrook Homes

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Branden Devereaux 1 901 by hope
Nov 9, 2007 20:35:30 GMT -5
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Branden Devereaux 0 588 by Branden Devereaux
Aug 20, 2007 11:28:44 GMT -5
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Branden Devereaux 1 519 by Zesmine Duaveréz
Aug 13, 2007 13:01:04 GMT -5


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Montbrook Homes
Montbrook is on the east side of town where middle and some lower class people usually live. It's near the zoo. These houses aren't too big and aren't too small. Mostly houses for you and then two parents. Families that think it's a bit weird to have such HUGE houses, when you can just can one that's reasonable.
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